Course Overview
Duration: 4 hours face to face
Certificate: Valid while working in the construction industry
CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
Prerequisites: Minimum age 14 yrs
Cost: $90 per person
This unit of competency specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work. The unit requires the person to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others. It covers identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.
Training and assessment are done on behalf of ABC First Aid, RTO 3399
Learning Objectives
The person must: identify and orally report two construction hazards orally explain how risk could be reduced or removed in relation to those two hazards select appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to control the risk orally explain basic procedures for responding to incidents and emergencies, including types and purpose of the following fire safety equipment:
- Fire blankets
- Fire extinguishers, including water, carbon dioxide, powder and foam
- Hose reels and mains identify and orally explain the meaning of required safety signs and symbols
- Orally explain the purpose of job safety analyses (JSAs), safe work method statements (SWMS) and safety data sheets (SDS)
orally explain the roles of the following designated health and safety personnel:
- First aid officers
- Work health and safety representatives
- Work health and safety committee members
- Supervisors
The person must also demonstrate correctly fitting to themselves the PPE listed below:
- Eye protection
- Hearing protection
- Hard hat
- High visibility retro reflective vest
A person must demonstrate knowledge of :
Basic duty of care, and the roles, rights and responsibilities of business owners and workers in relation to working safely while undertaking construction work basic meaning of the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ basic principles of risk management, including the following five steps in order:
- Identify hazard
- Assess risk
- Consult and report
- Control hazard
Review basic procedures for accessing first aid construction hazards, including those relating to:
- Asbestos
- Confined spaces
- Electrical: power lines, cords and equipment
- Excavations and trenches, including underground services
- Dust
- Falling objects
- Hazardous substances and dangerous goods
- Hot and cold work environments
- Manual handling
- Noise
- Plant and equipment operation
- Traffic and mobile plant
- Unplanned collapse
- Ultraviolet radiation
- Working at heights, including scaffolding
- Construction work that requires a high risk work licence
- Types, purpose and use of PPE used in construction, as specified in the performance evidence, and including safety footwear, harnesses and respiratory protection, and ultraviolet (UV) protective clothing and sunscreen
construction emergencies, including:
- Chemical spill
- Fire
- Injury to personnel
- Structural collapse
- Toxic or flammable vapour emission
- Vehicle or mobile plant accident
construction incidents, including:
- Incidents resulting in personal injury or damage to property
- Near misses or dangerous occurrences that do not cause injury but may pose an immediate and significant risk to persons or property, and need to be reported so that action can be taken to prevent recurrence
Safe work practices that should be followed in construction work, including:
- Accessing and using site amenities for drinking water, hand washing and toilets
- Following safety procedures when performing work tasks and using equipment
- Identifying and reporting hazards, incidents and injuries in the workplace
- Keeping the work area clean, tidy and free from debris
- Not using or being affected by drugs and/or alcohol while at work
- Preventing bullying and harassment in the workplace
- Selecting and using required PPE
- Smoking only in designated areas
storing and removing waste and debris in designated areas meanings and symbols associated with construction safety signs, symbols and tags, including:
- Emergency information signs: exits, emergency equipment and first aid
- Fire signs: location of fire alarms and firefighting equipment
- Hazard signs and symbols: danger and warning
- Regulatory signs and symbols: prohibition, mandatory and limitation or restriction
- Safety and lockout tags: danger and out-of-service tags
Course Prerequisition
There are no pre-requisites for this CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry course. Students must be at least 14 years of age at the time of attendance.
Clothing: We suggest that you wear comfortable casual clothing, as the practical nature of the demonstrations and practice may possibly require bending, kneeling and lying on the floor. Pants and flat shoes are recommended.